become a sponsor

Insurance Sponsor - $250
Proceeds from this sponsorship will be used to defray the cost of liability insurance for the Club and co-insurance for any venues that require it in order to grant permission to utilize their facilities. We will recognize your sponsorship on our website (and provide a link to your preferred social media platform), in our informational brochure that we distribute to spectators at all matches, and with a 3’x2’ banner that we display at all matches.
Gettysburg Festival Sponsor - $300
Proceeds from this sponsorship will be used to defray registration fees for the Club’s participation in the Gettysburg 19th Century Base Ball Festival (July 15 and 16). We will recognize your sponsorship on our website (and provide a link to your preferred social media platform), in our informational brochure that we distribute to spectators at all matches, and with a 3’x2’ banner that we display at all matches.
KBBC Founders Day Sponsor - $300
Proceeds from this sponsorship will be used to defray the cost of a meal for the players of both clubs participating in this annual celebration of the founding of the KBBC, and the cost of printing an information sheet to be distributed to spectators at the event. This sponsorship can be subdivided into:
Founders Day Meal Sponsor - $225
Founders Day Information Sheet Sponsor - $75
We will recognize your sponsorship on our website (and provide a link to your preferred social media platform), in our informational brochure that we distribute to spectators at all matches, on the Founders Day Information Sheet, and with a 3’x2’ banner that we display at all matches.
Informational Brochure Sponsor - $400
The proceeds from this sponsorship will be used to defray the cost of our informational brochure, which is available at no cost to all spectators at all of our events. This sponsorship can be subdivided into:
Partial Brochure Sponsor - $100
Major Brochure Sponsor - $200
We will recognize your sponsorship on our website (and provide a link to your preferred social media platform), in our informational brochure that we distribute to spectators at all matches, and with a 3’x2’ banner that we display at all matches.
Rules Sheet Sponsor - $100
The proceeds from this sponsorship will be used to defray the cost of printing copies of the 1864 rules set for the National Association of Base Ball Players, which will be distributed to spectators at all matches. We will recognize your sponsorship on our website (and provide a link to your preferred social media platform), in our informational brochure that we distribute to spectators at all matches, on the rules sheet, and with a 3’x2’ banner that we display at all matches.
Schedule Sheet Sponsor - $125
The proceeds from this sponsorship will be used to defray the cost of printing copies of the season schedule for the KBBC, which will be distributed to spectators at all matches. We will recognize your sponsorship on our website (and provide a link to your preferred social media platform), in our informational brochure that we distribute to spectators at all matches, on the Schedule Sheet, and with a 3’x2’ banner that we display at all matches.
If you are willing to serve as a KBBC sponsor for 2023, please submit the form below and please provide an e-mail address and a PayPal invoice will be transmitted to you.If you would like to mail your applicable sponsorship payment to: Keystone Base Ball Club,
4 W. Schoolside Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055.

Indicate which sponsorship you choose. Checks should be made payable to “Keystone Base Ball Club of Harrisburg”.

© Keystone Base Ball Club. All rights reserved.


Thank you for your support. We will send a Paypal invoice or information regarding alternate payment methods.